Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Windows Phone 8 Soon to have Popular VOD Service Hulu Plus

The news of Popular VOD Service Hulu Plus  coming to Windows Phone 8 is surely going to en-thrill Windows Phone 8 lovers.

According to a response from an Hulu Plus official support center, WP users might soon be able reap the benefits of this unlimited instant streaming service to watch their favorite TV shows on their WP devices as well.

Wahaab JB at Chip Hazard reports that apparently a WP user reached out to Hulu support via email to find out the progress of it’s coming to WP platform. And in response the official support stated that they've been working on the app for a while now and it should make its way on WP platform soon.

At this moment, Hulu offers a free ad-based subscription as well as a semi-ad subscription for $7.99 a month for both iOS and Android mobile platform.

So be ready for Hulu Plus for your Windows Phone 8 soon.

[via Chip Hazard]
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