Monday, April 1, 2013

Facebook’s Much Awaited Android Phone OS to be Called Facebook Home

Like Apple's iWatch or iTV or iWhatever, there have been news about Facebook's own Android phone for quite sometimes now. But every passing day was a hope for the next day.

But now it seems that the clock is ticking faster than expected and there are encouraging news about Facebook phone.

It has been reported by Wahaab JB at Chip Hazard that the Social Media giant will finally unveil the Faceboom phone later this week, with the device featuring a new Android interface which may be called Facebook Home.

A new 9to5 Google report reveals the Facebook Home name:
Facebook’s invitation to its Android-related media event next week is much less cryptic than it would seem. The invitation reads “Come See Our New Home on Android.” While, based on these words, Facebook seems to be teasing at a new Android-related Facebook experience, our sources say that the tagline reveals the actual product name: “Facebook Home…”

The same product name seems to be confirmed by a new @evleaks tweet:
“The version of Facebook for Android currently on this device needs to be upgraded to support Facebook Home.”
Well this is it for the time being as no more details are available for the moment regarding hardware of the phone and other specs. We will update you as soon as we get the wind of more what we shared today.

Stay tuned...

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