Monday, October 3, 2016

iPhone 7 has the worst battery-life


If Samsung Galaxy Notebook 7 is exploding the world over, the iPhone 7 is not faring well either. While there have been some reports of iPhone exploding, a recent survey shows iPhone 7 has the worst battery-life.

A UK based consumer testing organization Which says its tests on Apple's 2016 flagship iPhone 7 has the worst battery-life of all the current flagship smart phones. In fact in the analysis iPhone 7 finished last!!

The customers will be surprised to know that of all the flagships of 2016, HTC 10 performed best, managing 790 minutes of continuous use. The iPhone 7 was worst, at 615 minutes, but not hugely lower than LG’s G5 which managed 640 minutes and Samsung’s Galaxy S7 at 677 minutes.


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