Monday, December 31, 2012

How much the sanctions would hurt Samsung

The on going legal battle between Apple and Samsung if decided in Apple's favour, could hurt Samsung substantially.

Edward Moyer at C|net has quoted details as under:
Sanctions against Samsung in patent case before U.S. International Trade Commission would involve sales, import ban and posting of bond for 88 percent of value of smartphones at issue while potential bans were under review.
The details that have been made public are partially censored version of the presiding judge's initial determination and recommendations in the case was published by the ITC 28 December, showing Judge Thomas Pender's suggested sanctions.


Pender ruled that Samsung is violating one of Apple's iPhone design patents, as well as three software feature patents, but he gave the nod to Samsung in regard to two other Apple patents. The case involves older Samsung phones and tablets (PDF) - not newer ones like the Galaxy S3 or Note (which are included as part of a separate complaint). Pender's ruling must be approved by the ITC's full, six-member commission, which has set February 19 as its target date for a final determination.

However, as Foss notes, Judge Pender has also approved "designarounds" by Samsung, with which it could tweak the devices in question so they no longer infringe. In that case, no sales bans would be necessary.

Read more about it at: C|net

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