Thursday, November 15, 2012

Samsung says 'No to Settlement Deals' with Apple

While apple recently lost to Samsung in a British court which also asked Apple to pay full legal fee to Samsung incurred on the case, Samsung has now said that it won't settle or negotiate deal with Apple to bring an end end to the long drawn legal battle between the technology and smartphone industry giants.

Samsung says the legal battle will go on with Apple [Photo: Android Authority ]
It may be noted that HTC entered into a deal with Apple to end its legal battle with Apple. It was expected that Apple and Samsung would follow suit and put back their long drawn legal swords and work in harmony with each other. But Samsung, which has been over and over dragged into legal battle by Apple, seems to have become equally antagonized and has no plans to leave Apple on its own. 

Samsung chif J K Shin is of the opinion that a legal battle should end in  court room rather than entering deals and settlements which can be revoked anytime by Apple to begin another battle.


Even the HTC deal is not in favour of HTC - instead it will be paying Apple approxiamtely $280 million a year for almost ten years. This means Apple keeps an edge over HTC rather both companies settling disputes legally.

HTC, not as big as Samsung was naturally overawed by Apple and may be forced into a settlement. But Samsung, which has far bigger market share of Smartphone world wide than Apple, would be a fool to enter into a settle ment with Apple. It is better to win battles legally rather than ending these on weeaker terms for the benefit of Apple.

In the meanwhile, Apple has already 'threatened' Samsung on getting Samsung's eight phones banned for sale in the USA. The bid clearly seen as Apple monopolizing the US market. The decision on the issue is likely next month.


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