Wednesday, November 28, 2012

iPhone 5 Sales Boost Help Apple Dominate Android in USA

It seems that the legal battle between Apple and Samsung has earned apple a soft corner in the Americans' hearts as the iPhone sales are picking up in USA.

A recent survey reveals that Apple’s iPhone 5 sales has helped the Cupertino company propel itself to overtake Google when it comes to smartphone OS market-share in the U.S.

The survey covers a 12-week period ending on October 28, 2012. as per the survey report, Apple’s iPhone market share got doubled in US and Apple now enjoys a 48.1 percent share compared to 46.7 percent for Android.


According to the survey :-
The last time we saw iOS overtake Android in the US was when the iPhone 4S was released and Apple managed to retain its lead for three consecutive periods.
This time we predict that Apple will beat its previous high of 49.3 percent and achieve its highest ever share of the US smartphone market within the next two periods.
However, the survey firm Kantar Worldpanel ComTech announced Tuesday Google’s mobile operating system still dominates in Europe, where it holds up to 81 percent of the market share in some countries.

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